Hari Ini Dalam Kenangan...
Jadikan semalam sebagai pedoman, hari ini sebagai kenangan dan esok sebagai impian.....
Friday, December 17, 2004
Hasif Naufal
Hasif Naufal - 3 months old
Introducing our new member of the family...Hasif Naufal...Was born on 17 April 2004...As of today, he is 8 months old....He likes to usik his abang when his abang so busy counting his car toys ...Likes to try to jump out of the walker...... A very good child...Easy to take care of except when makan times.....Always making a lot of noise....May even go to sleep while eating....So funny!!
I remember the day I got to know that I was pregnant with Hasif...My menses was late by 1 week and I was active in aerobic...I did a pregnancy test just to have a peace of mind...Tadaaaa!!!! Two lines appeared and I was dumbfounded....Didn't know how to react to this unexpected discovery...Haziq that time was only 14 months....Takut ada...Happy pun ada...macam2 ada...Told hubby...stopped aerobic...stopped netball practice...gained a lot of weight...got mild morning sickness...
When I was 2 months pregnant, I was bleeding ...Takut sangat coz I thot that I might lose my precious gift...siap nazar, kalau anak sihat sampai lahir, aku akan buat pulut kuning...Alhamdulillah Hasif selamat dikandung dan dilahirkan hingga cukup bulan...sekarang Hasif is an active, cute little boy...and I love him dearly...
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posted by liZaZmi at 5:35 PM

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